Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Greatness Inside of You

Recently I was watching a show, and there was a young man on the show who was attempting to lose a certain amount of weight. As the show began to progress the trainer noticed that the young man's zeal was slowly diminishing and he was not putting as much effort into his work out sessions as he had done before. The young man definitely needed to pick up his momentum if he wanted to accomplish his goal. After days and days of effortless workout sessions the trainer finally had enough, he threw done his weights and asked the young man, "Why are you afraid to succeed?" The young man was stunned at the trainer's frustration but he replied with a hopeless anger,"I dont know! If I did I would fix it."

How many of you are crying, "I don't know! If I did I would fix it." Have you ever attempted to accomplish something however been unsuccessful because you were afraid of your own potential? From this show I began to wonder and think, how many of us are out there with the potential, and the talent to fulfill our dreams and accomplish our goals but are afraid that we just might succeed. It oftentimes seems easier to quit because if we quit then we know how  that road ends. However what happens if the DREAM does become a reality and we do achieve the greatness or fufill the purpose we were born to fulfill. All of us are special because we were all born with and for a purpose in life.

You may be reading this and thinking this can't be me, but think of those times that you have sat and wondered. Wondered about what would have happened if you would have gone that extra mile or gave that extra ounce of energy that you knew deep down inside you could have given. One of my favorite poems ever written was by  Marianne Williamson and it's entitled "Our Deepest Fear". The first line of the poem says,"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."

So you may be asking yourself who are you to be brilliant, gifted, and talented? I'm asking you who are you not to be? Why not you? I say that you can be great and walk in that dream and purpose for your life. Not only for you but because there are others who's dreams may never come true because you are afraid to be great. Their greatness and their destiny is connected to you. Yes you are the key element to someone else fulfilling their dream. We are all meant to shine and fulfill our dreams. So stop being afraid to be great and fullfill that dream, let go of the doubts, stand up, move out, rise, shine and fulfill the destiny and purpose that was placed on the inside of you. Don't wait for tomorrow move out today and work your DREAM!

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